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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Medieval Architecture, Cities, Merchants and Craftsmen Medieval Architecture part 5 Gk for gpsc

Medieval Architecture, Cities, Merchants and Craftsmen Medieval Architecture part 5Gk for gpsc 

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Social science gk for Upsc exam

               Folk Dances and Handicrafts Gujarat has become famous all over the world for its folk culture, folk dances and handicrafts like embroidery.  Which also includes types like Bhavai, Natak.  Asai Thackeray is credited with writing and playing Bhavai. In the Jhalawar area, pastoralists play a special type of rasa called 'hoodo'.  People from home and abroad come to Gujarat to see Hoodo Ras at the swimming fair. 

              Navratri Garba festival is important in Gujarat.  The pride that descends from pride is associated with the worship and praise of power.  Garba developed a lot from the time of Dayaram.  Both men and women celebrate this festival in Navratri through Garba, Garbi and Raas. Garbo also has various features in the dress of Gujarat.  In which embroidery of Kutch, pearl work, Patola of Patan, construction of Jamnagar and Jetpur have become world famous.  There is a worldwide demand for embroidery made by Kutch women in the Bunny of Kutch and Patul Khadir area of ​​Patan.  In the same way, Patols associated with special weaving have become world famous in Patan from the eleventh to the twelfth century.  Urbanization This time was the renaissance and development of cities.  Innovative cities emerged in place of the Gupta-era cities. 

        The capitals of the Rajput era were mostly turned into cities.  In Gujarat, special development took place in Anhilwad, Patan, Champaner, Ahmedabad, Surat, Khambhat.  The climax of urbanization we see in Delhi.  It developed from the Rajput period to the Mughal period.  During the time of Jahangir and Shah Jahan, Delhi was the capital and a major center of trade and commerce.  Shah Jahan built the Red Fort and made it huge.  Lahore, Jaunpur and Dhaka developed as cities on this route. 

       Amritsar was also an important urban center due to Sikhism.  Devagiri (Dolatabad) was a prosperous urban center connecting North and South in South India.  While cities like Purna, Satara, Gwalior and Vadodara developed in the Maratha Empire, Diu, Daman, Goa, Mumbai, Madras, Puducherry, Kochi, Chandranagar and Surat developed specially due to the arrival of European companies.  The capital of Vijayanagar was Hampi.  Foreign travelers to Hampi have been briefed on Hampi’s unique craft industries.  From Vijayanagar, goods including cotton cloth, silk cloth and spices went to Europe.  Three types of gold coins have been found at Hampi, indicating that Hampi was an important trading center of art and commerce in India after the ports of Bharuch and Khambhat in Gujarat, especially in the sixteenth century.  World famous merchants like Virji Vora and Gopi Malik lived in Surat.

          Muslin, cotton textile and shipbuilding industries flourished in Surat in the seventeenth century.  The largest trade of Jaribharat cloth in the world was from Surat.  As Surat was an international port, many trading establishments of Indian and European traders were seen.  Surat also had large godowns of spices, cotton and silk cloths and garlands.  Due to the industries operating in Surat and as a result of foreign trade, ancillary skills such as warehouses, packing, shipbuilding industries, housing arrangements, weaving, printing, metallurgy were extensively developed.

Tags : gpsc gk, upsc gk, gk for ias exam , gk for gpsc exam, samany gyan, General knolwedge, maru gujarat

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