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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

history of india Maurya era Part 3 IAS General knowledge

history of india Maurya era Part 3

Gpsc general knowledge article.
IAS General knowledge article.

Maurya era administration 

 (a) Central
 (b) Provincial 
(c) Regional (local) 35th order 

(a) Central administration:

               The emperor (king) was at the center of the administration.  He was the administrative, military and judicial head of the empire.  His position was hereditary.  Pataliputra and its environs were under the direct control of the emperor.  He administered with the help of ministers and high officials.  Chanakya (Kautilya) has shown a total of 18 accounts, out of which the main accounts and its superior (head) are as follows: Account (section) upper (head) 1.  Head of Agriculture Department 2.  Locker Account Army 3.  Justice Department Region (Chief Justice) Business Department Pappadhyaksh5.  Daftar Bhandar (Akshapatal Record Account) Mudra (Passport) Account Mudraadhyaksha 4.  Mahaopatal 6.  

(B) Provincial Administration: 

             The vast Mauryan Empire was divided into five sections for administrative convenience.  The governor (national) was the head of the province (congregation / division). Most of the princes were appointed to this post.  (A) Regional (Local) Administration: For administrative convenience, food was distributed to any province (district local) and food was divided into region (storage / taluka).  The smallest unit of the administration was the village. Its superior was called the village. The village was governed by the village with the help of a committee of elected members.

  According to the Puranas, a total of 9 or 10 kings of the Mauryan dynasty ruled for a total of 137 years. According to Buddhist scriptures, Ashoka  Then Kunal, Samati, Shalisuk, Jailok (Jalauk), Dasharatha, Devvarma, Shatadhanva and Brihadrath became kings respectively.  Taking advantage of the weak rule of Brihadhrath, the last king of the Mauryan dynasty, his general Pushyamitra Shung called him under the pretext of watching a military exercise and killed him.  Thus, E.S.  In 185 BC, Pushyamitra Shung established the Shung dynasty on the throne of Magadha and put an end to the Mauryan dynasty.

Ashoka's Prajajog Message

 (I) Obeying parents. 
 (2) Respect the elders. 
 (3) Not to slaughter animals. 
 (4) Spend as little as possible.  
(5) To serve the Guru. 
 (6) Treat women and servants kindly. 
 (7) Giving alms to Brahmins and Shramanas.
  (8) To try to understand the main 

          principles of other religions and to respect them.  34 Activity - Which of the details given in Ashoka's Prajajog message is relevant at present?  • The government informs the people about various schemes, rules, amendments etc. through which media?  Ashok E.S.  In 251 BC, the third Buddhist council was convened at Pataliputra under the chairmanship of Mughaliputta Tishya (Tissa).  

     The main purpose of this conference was to establish religious unity by removing the differences that arose in Buddhism.  Ashoka preached Buddhism in the Indian states of Kashmir, Gandhara, Chola, Pandya and Kerala.  Emperor Ashoka sent missionaries to preach in Burma (Myanmar), Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Syria, Egypt, Macedonia, etc.  Ashoka sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghmitra to Ceylon to preach Buddhism.  Thus, Ashoka granted Buddhism a royal asylum during his reign.  Apart from preaching, Ashoka also did public welfare work.  

        Ashoka arranged for the treatment of humans and animals.  He dug wells, planted trees, built roads, and built rest houses.  Emperor Ashoka fought for the throne, expanded the empire through wars, and built a great empire.  Climbed Kalinga to fulfill the ambition.  He became a preacher and preacher of Buddhism as his heart changed after witnessing the war.  The missionaries who went abroad for preaching spread the fragrance of Indian culture there.  Due to Ashoka's qualities and his deeds, he has a place in history as a great prince.  Is.  Emperor Ashoka died in 232 BC.  He ruled for 36 years.  Administration of the Mauryan Age: Chandragupta Maurya built a vast empire.  It was expanded by Emperor Ashoka.  Vishnugupta Chanakya (Kautilya), the chief minister of Chandragupta and an ardent politician, planned to divide the vast Mauryan empire and run it in an orderly manner.  At this time there were three divisions (organs) of administration.

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