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Monday, July 13, 2020

Ancient towns and texts

Ancient towns and texts
History of india gk 

      Civilization is a special state of life created by human beings with their intellect, skills and talents.  Such great civilizations of human society are seen in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Rome in the world. 

       This centuries-old civilization still inspires human life today.  Among these civilizations we will study the Harappan civilization.  Kabul Sarai Koti Rahman Gadhi K4 Jilalpur Harappa.  Bhagwanpur Punjab b Banavali Mehrgarh: Pirak Ahichatra Kalibangan Banavad HIR Mohen - Jo - Dado SutkiJedor, Nidovar - - Makrana Bhalukone Tea - Kuddo 2 * Dholavira Bow Dilothal - Karangpuri Saurashtra 200 km |  - Ga Nadi ‘Naushera’ Alamgirpur - Padhar Twakara * My Kalay is Le Mamani Unu Rann K MehsaAhmedabad S0 Bhagatalawa 31 Places of Harappan Civilization We also recognize Harappan civilization as Indus Valley Civilization.  

             The first remnants of this civilization were found in Harappa in 1921.  Many places of civilization spread in the north-western part of India include Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Lothal, Dholavira, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi etc.  See the map showing the places of Harappan civilization.  Let's get acquainted with the town planning of some of these major towns and their features.  Planned planning Town planning was the greatest characteristic of the Harappan civilization.  The structure of the towns was uniform.  In all places there was a fort to the west and a general settlement to the east.  The two were located between 11 separate highways.  There was a fort around the fort to the west.  Flya must have been inhabited by rulers, some of the features of the towns of the Harappan civilization, mostly bricks used in their town planning.  The main feature of Harappan civilization was its planned housing.  Houses built on high porches to avoid flooding and moisture.  One of the features of the houses here was that they fell inwards instead of falling on the main road.  One and two storey houses were seen here.  The roads here were convenient.  The city's two main highways run north to south and east to west.  Main here.

               The streets were parallel to the 1:16 lanes.  Roads intersect at right angles to each other.  Roads and streets were arranged in such a way that the whole town was divided into square and rectangular sections.  Evidence of nighttime arrangements on public roads has also been received.  There was a highly developed and systematic system for disposal of the shifts of consumption of the people of the Kandapakalin civilization.  The water from each house flowed into a small gutter and from a small gutter into a large gutter.  The water from the big gutter flowed to the edge of town.  If Mohenjo Daro has come to a public kanagar, this is a nankund between nanagar.  There are steps on both sides to get down to Nankund.  There are rooms for changing clothes around the baths, the public bathing fountain may be used for festivals or religious occasions, and the house with the pillars found in the Mohenjo-daro ball has been identified as a meeting place.  , Harappa will be the main town of Indus Valley mythology.  And its main feature is its granaries.  As many as 12 granaries have been found here on the banks of the river Ravi.  

                Lothal is located on the banks of Bhogavo river in Dholka taluka of Ahmedabad district.  Lothal was a trading port and industrial town in ancient times.  A structure made of chhetos has been found in Lothal.  It is considered to be a dock yard. It is believed to have been used for loading and unloading vedans coming here. In addition, arti warehouses and a bead factory have been found so that Lothal would be a prosperous port of ancient India.  The international trade of Harappan civilization will take place through the port of Lothal.  ) Is.  1) Citadel - Llio (2) Upper town (3) Lower town, The main feature of Dholavira town is rainwater harvesting system and stadium.  The town of Kalibangan in Rajasthan was the headquarters of the agrarian revolution of the Harappan civilization.  The remnants of the farms cultivated here provide proof of this.  The copper remains found here prove that copper implements may have been refined here and may have been used in agriculture.  Thus, the town planning of the Indus Valley Civilization was well-organized, well-engineered, planned and skillful.  It is a wonderful reflection of the ruling class of that time, the intelligence of the engineers and the classicism of the artisans.  The economic life of the Indus Valley Civilization The people of Indus Valley were engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, trade, craft and other industries.  Cultivation of wheat, barley, peas, sesame, mustard etc.  Using plow to cultivate land in agriculture, keeping cattle, buffalo, goat, shoulder force in animal husbandry.  They do domestic and international trade.  Historians believe that the cotton cloth reached as far as Mesopotamia and Egypt through it.  Apart from this his other occupations included pottery, metallurgy, maca making, sculpture etc.  Social life of Harappan civilization!  The main occupation of the people of Indus Valley Civilization was agriculture and animal husbandry and the food of the people of Na time included wheat, barley, rajari, peas, palm, dates etc.  Due to animal husbandry, their diet consisted of milk, milk products, remnants of this civilization have been found in hooks, so the diet may also have included tails.

                            Wrapping the underwear so that it comes under the right hand.  Primarily they used cotton cloth and were also familiar with woolen garments.  Based on the needles made of metal and ivory, it is estimated that they would be wearing CVs, although most people would be using seamless clothing.  The people of this time wore necklaces, rings on their hands, bracelets on their wrists, both men and women.  Women wore bangles, earrings, bracelets, zanzars etc.  These ornaments are made of gold, silver and precious stones.  The people of the Indus Valley Civilization used to make pottery, copper and bronze utensils.  These included utensils such as cups, bowls, jugs, jugs, saucers, catheters, etc. from clay.  

                    The people of the Indus Valley Civilization made a variety of toys for their children.  These include bird-shaped whistles, crocodiles, carts, lakhoti, cattle, birds and female-shaped toys.  In a way, the creativity and artistry of this people is expressed in their toys.  There are toys that show the dexterity of the head-shaking animal and the monkey climbing the tree.  3.5 Toys Religious life and funerals: We get information about the religious life of the Harappan civilization from idols and postures.  Among the idols, historians consider the idols of Matrukadevi to be the symbol of Mother Earth, i.e. the people of the Harappan civilization would be more earth-worshiping because the earth provides food and water.  Apart from this they will be worshiping trees, worshiping animals, worshiping snakes, worshiping swastikas.  Remains of Agni Puja have been recovered at Lothal and Kalibangan.  People of the Harappan civilization would bury the dead man and evidence of cremation has been found in many places.  They would bury the dead and put some things with them.  Which shows his conception of life after his death.  

          Script and language: Coins, rings, copperplates have been found in the remnants of the Indus Valley Civilization.  Above them is a text inscribed in an unsolved mysterious language.  Although these texts are short, quantitative letters and conjunctions are found.  Many attempts have been made to solve this script but no success has been achieved so far.  Locations of Hadappi civilization in Gujarat: Rangpur in Surendranagar district, Rozdi in Rajkot district (Srinathgarh), Deshalpar in Kutch district, Dholavira, Lakhabawal in Jamnagar district, Amrati in Bharuch district.  End of Harappan Civilization Historians believe that this civilization may have come to an end due to earthquakes, floods, epidemics or external aggression.  Even today, however, its end has been the subject of much research for historians.  

                   Our ancient scriptures Rigvad and its study: Veda There are four: Rigvad, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda.  Rigveda is our oldest scripture.  Which includes 1028 prayers in 10 congregations called suktas.  Rigwad is a treasure trove of ancient knowledge.  It is written in ancient Sanskrit or Vedic Sanskrit language.  The political, social, economic and religious life of the Aryans is introduced through Rigwad.  

                 Historians, archaeologists also study Rigveda along with ancient relics to know the history.  Some of the verses of the Rig Veda are in the form of dialogues.  Mentions of public life are found in the Rigwad.  Information of political organizations like Gana, Sabha and Samiti is in Rigwad.  The meeting was a small body compared to a committee in which the chief leaders of the state sat and discussed important issues of the state and also administered justice.  

               The committee was an extended body that elected the king.  A commander and a priest were appointed to assist the king.  One of the king's deeds was also Gavashna and Gavashna means the battle between ten kings on the banks of the river Ravi in ​​Rigvad.  Tved contains information about the social life of the Aryans.  The unit of society was the family and there was a patriarchal and joint family system.  Society was not divided into races and castes so all were equal in society.  There were no ups and downs.  Women had a high position in the society and femininity and women were considered as co-religionists and their presence in Yajna was considered essential.  She can also study.  In it, mad women like Apala, Lopamudra, Ghosha have even composed Rigwad Richas.  Marriages take place only when the bride is an adult.  The Rig Veda contains references to the worship of nature.  Mentions of worship of Indra, Varuna, Agni, Surya etc. are found.  The morning goddess Usha and the evening goddess Aditi are mentioned.  Cows, horses and oxen are discussed in many places in Rigwad.  Horses are most mentioned in Rigwad compared to other animals.  Which indicates the importance of animal husbandry in their lives.  Fighting for animals was common among those living a tribal life.  Wealth depended primarily on the number of cattle.  Animal husbandry took place en masse and agriculture was secondary in the early stages of the Eagle-era economy.  Learn so much |  Sukta means well said.

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