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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Vivekanad college and brahmo Samaj

College and Brahmo Samaj
       Narendranath joined the Presidency College at Calcutta in 1880, and in the second year he changed his college to Adult in Scottish Church College in Calcutta. During this he studied Western logic, Western philosophy and history of nations of Europe. In 1881 he passed the Fine Arts examination and In 1884, he passed the Bachelor of Science (Honors) examination. ી.

      According to his professors, Narendranath was a magician as a student. He studied at Scottish Church College during 1881-84. તેના આચાર્ય ડૉ. William Hastie wrote that "Narendra was really a genius student. I have returned to the world, but I have not seen a young man like him in the philosophy of German universities." He was called Suryatidhar, a person whose memory is peculiar, found out. મુજબ નરેન્દ્રનાથ સાથે ચર્ચા થયા બાદ ડૉ. Mahendralal Sarkar said, "I never imagined that such a young child had read so much of a young person!"

      From childhood, he showed interest in knowing spiritualism, God-fearing and supreme spiritual truths. He studied the various religious and philosophical methods of East and West and met different religious leaders. They had a lot of influence on Brahmo Samaj, the important social-religious institution of that time. તેમની શરૂઆતની માન્યતાઓનું ઘડતર બ્રહ્મો સમાજે કર્યું. Brahmo Samaj was devoted to the God, the idol of idol worship and dedicated to socio-economic reform. They met the leaders of Brahmo Samaj, Devendranath Tagore and Keshavchandra Sen and questioned them about the existence of God, but they did not get satisfying answers.

       It is said that Narendranath had David Hume, Emmanuel Kant, Johan Gottlieb Fitz, Baruch Spinoza, George W. એફ. Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Auguste Comtecott, Herbert Spencer, Joan Stuart Mill, and Charles Darwin's writings were read. Narendra Herbert was influenced by Spencer's evolution and translated the book on Spencer's education to his publisher Gurudas Chattopadhyay in Bengali. Narendra had also corresponded with Spencer for some time. [25] [26] Besides his study of Western philosophy, he was well-acquainted with Indian Sanskrit scriptures and Bengali compositions.

        Ramakrishna was first introduced to Ramakrishna in a class of literature when he heard Acharya Hasty from lecturing William Wordsworth's poem The Excursion, and his nature-mysticism. While explaining the word in the poem, Hastie told his students that if they want to understand the true meaning of the word, they should meet Ramakrishna of Dakshineswar. This led to some students, including Narendranath, to meet Ramakrishna.
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