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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Svami vivekanad janm and balpan jano

સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદ
          Swami Vivekananda was born on the eve of Makar Sankranti festival on Monday. On 12th January 1863, Shimla Palli was born at Calcutta and was named Narendranath Datta. તેમના પિતા વિશ્વનાથ દત્ત કલકત્તા હાઇ કોર્ટમાં એટર્ની હતા. He was counted as a handsome person, and his imprint in social and religious matters was of a progressive person. His mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi was a holy woman and maintained self-control and worshiping Vireesh Shiva of Varanasi for giving a son to her. એક સ્વપ્ન આવ્યુ હતું જેમાં તેમને એવું દેખાયુ હતું કે શિવ ભગવાને ધ્યાનમાંથી ઉઠીને કહ્યું કે તેઓ તેના પે ે પુત્ર તરીકે જન્મ લેશે.

          His parents influenced the thinking of the lord - the father with his intellectual mind and mother with his religious nature During the years of his youth, he was introduced to Western Philosophy and Science, and he refused to believe anything without intellectual evidence and practical scrutiny. The second part of his mind was attracted towards meditation's spiritual ideals and unrest.

          Narendranath started his studies from home, but later he got admitted to the Institute of Eshwar Chandra Vidyasagar in 1871 and passed the entrance examination in 1879. He was interested in various subjects and had a scholarship in philosophy, history, sociology, arts, and other subjects. [12] He showed keen interest in Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavadgita, Ramayan, Mahabharat and Puranas. તેઓ શાસ્ત્રિય સંગીતમાં, ગાયકી વાદ્ય એમ બન્નેમાં જાણકાર હતા. From childhood, he took an active interest in physical exercise, sports and other organizational activities. તેઓ જ્યારે ખુબ જ યુવાન હતા ત્યારે પણ તેમણે પાખંડી રીત રિવાજો અને જ્ઞાતિ અને ધર્મ આધારીત ભેદભાવો સામે અવાજ ઉઠાવ્યો હતો.

          Narendranath's mother played a very important role in his spiritual development. Narendra was quoted in one of his mother's words during the last years of his life, "Be holy throughout your life; Protect your self-esteem and never interfere with others' self-esteem. Be calm but do not make any difference to your heart where necessary. Let them know. "They were special in mind. It is said that they looked at a divine light in their sleep and saw them મિયાન બુદ્ધના દર્શન થતા હતાં.

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