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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

અમીર ખુશરો

Rich khusaro
                          Rich khusaro dahelavi (1253-1325 BC), (Persian: ابوالحسن یمینالدین خسرو, (Devanagari: अबुल हसन यमीनुद्दीन ख़ुसरो), (Urdu: امیر خسرو دہلوی), poet of the period from 1325 to 1253 BC, composer, researcher , તત્ત્વજ્ઞાની અને ભાષાશાસ્ત્રી ગણાય છે. ખુશરો સૂફી સંત હઝરત નિઝામુદ્દીન ઓલિયાના શિષ્ય હતા, જે તેમના આધ્યાત્મિક શિક્ષક પણ હતા. ઉત્તર ભારતીય શાસ્ત્રીય સંગીતના ખયાલની રચનાની શરૂઆત કરવાનો યશ અમીર ખુશરોને ફાળે જ Is mean. He formed the idea of ​​adding the Persian meladijha and rhythm by Lala Amarnath update. The general terms, the idea is originally kavvalimanthi emerged, which he bhajanarupe also had cows formation. They wrote poetry in Persian and hindavimam. Later on, he and Hindi were writing Urdu. they also know the Arabic language. but most of his poems the Hindustani classical Sangeetham today Bandiso used as before and sings his ghazals gajhalagayako.

         They were speaking Urdu founder and was the first Urdu poet. Parent qawwali called them. Qawwali is considered the Indian suphionum bhaktisangita. He also composed traditional rhythmic opening rago Tarana after the emergence of classical music. He also invented the Indian tabla in a piece. He also learned martial arts and horse riding with the music.

       Khusaro was a notable musician at the court of the seven kings to Alauddin Khilji of Delhi Gayasuddin Tughluq. Amir Khusrau was born in Patiala, which is present in Madhya Pradesh. His father had lost Persian officer Saifuddin samasi northern Afghanistan balkhamam the age of eight and he's umbrella. Her mother was of Rajput native of Uttar Pradesh.

Khusrau poems


اگر فردوس بر روی زمین است
همین است و همین است و همین است

If paradise Zameen Par waning Burr virtue,
Hamim waning, waning hamim, hamim waning.


ख़ुसरो दरिया प्रेम का, उलटी वा की धार,
जो उतरा सो डूब गया, जो डूबा सो पार.

सेज वो सूनी देख के रोवुँ मैं दिन रैन,
पिया पिया मैं करत हूँ पहरों, पल भर सुख ना चैन.

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