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Monday, December 14, 2015

ગીર રાષ્ટ્રીય ઉદ્યાન અને અભ્યારણ્ય ભાગ ૩

             Is. According to the survey conducted by the Gir forest samtapau raijhada and in 1955 there were more than 400 plant species. Classification of forests Champion & Sheth, 1964 was classified as "5A / C-1a- very dry teak forest". Teak is produced as dry deciduous species. The sub-types have been classified tenea: 1) known as 5 / DS1- dry deciduous forest of thorns, and 2) 5 / DS1- dry savanna forest (locally vidisa it). This is the largest dry deciduous forest in western India.

            Sagan is part of the eastern part of the forest trees, which constitutes part of the total area. Which provides the value of the field by planting nearly 5000000 kg annually. Over 50 million. The forest provides nearly 15,000 metric tons of fuel.

૨૩૭૫ પ્રાણી પ્રજાતિ ધરાવતી ગીર પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટીમાં ૩૯ પ્રકારના સસ્તન પ્રાણિઓ, ૩૦૦ કરતા વધુ પ્રકારના પક્ષીઓ, ૩૭ સરીસૃપો અને ૨૦૦૦થી વધુ કીટકોનો સમાવેશ થાય છે[૩].

               Carnivores, mainly Asiatic lion, panther, wild cat, bar jackal, fox, weasel, jabadiyu, and Ratels. Desert cat (Asiatic Wildcat) and Rusty-spotted cats exist but are rarely seen.

             Sakaharimam mainly cittala, Rose or nilgai, sambar, cosinga, Blackbuck and wild boar. Antelopes are sometimes seen in the sanctuary from the surrounding area.

           Nan mammals, Porcupine and rabbits are common and Pangolin is rare. The reptiles are alligators (whose population is more than any of the protected areas in India), Indian Star Tortoise and declared around the water source. Snakes are found in forests and bushes. Printed python is found on the coast.

            Khecara variations are almost 300 species of birds, many of them endemic birds are the major defection. Scavenger group of birds found 6 species of vultures. Some common species of birds cotaliyo sapamara, endangered Bonelli's Eagle, Peacock eagle, fishing owl, the great owl, Lois, a small woodpecker, Black pilaka, bouquet Treeswift and NAVRANG. He appeared in the census of 2001 cilotra

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