International Justice Day
July 17, International Justice Day, the International Criminal Identification people with an effort to implement the process of the justice system, is celebrated across the world.
July 17 "International Criminal Court" (International Criminal Court) has recognized a "Treaty of Rome" s (Rome Statute) is the anniversary. Therefore, the date chosen to celebrate this day.
So every year, especially to promote the International Criminal Court, people around the world through a variety of events to celebrate the Day.
આ દિવસ વિશ્વમાં બનતી ખાસ અપરાધીક ઘટનાઓ, જેવીકે 'જાતિસંહાર (genocide), નરસંહાર, મહિલા અત્યાચારનાં ગંભીર ગુનાઓ વગેરે તરફ સફળતાપૂર્વક આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય સમાચાર માધ્યમો અને જુથોનું ધ્યાન આકર્ષે છે.
July 17, International Justice Day, the International Criminal Identification people with an effort to implement the process of the justice system, is celebrated across the world.
July 17 "International Criminal Court" (International Criminal Court) has recognized a "Treaty of Rome" s (Rome Statute) is the anniversary. Therefore, the date chosen to celebrate this day.
So every year, especially to promote the International Criminal Court, people around the world through a variety of events to celebrate the Day.
આ દિવસ વિશ્વમાં બનતી ખાસ અપરાધીક ઘટનાઓ, જેવીકે 'જાતિસંહાર (genocide), નરસંહાર, મહિલા અત્યાચારનાં ગંભીર ગુનાઓ વગેરે તરફ સફળતાપૂર્વક આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય સમાચાર માધ્યમો અને જુથોનું ધ્યાન આકર્ષે છે.
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