Social Science Top Ten GK
One step quality key
One step quality key
1. Which way did the Negreto people come to India?
-Africa from Baluchistan
-Africa from Baluchistan
2. What is the nickname of the grocery?
3. What was the Arya Nishad called to the people?
4. Who was the Goddess and mother of the Goddess of thoughts as a mother?
5. Which people have given the gift of worship and animal worship?
6. What is the tradition of worshiping the worship of Dhup, Deep and Aarti?
7. Which people are the people of the caste tribe?
- Kannada and Malayalam
- Kannada and Malayalam
8. Which culture is the most influenced in India?
9. Who created the hymns for worship of nature?
10. Which nation came to India on the battle of Sainthar's India?
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