Social Science Top Ten GK
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Who was named as Karnavati, who won the Asashal?
- Karnadev Solanki
2. Who was martyred when going to fly tricolor at Gujarat College during Quit India Movement?
- Vinod Kannerawala
3. Did Ravishankar Maharaj reach home at home for the fight for Swaraj?
- Hind Swaraj
4. Which Gujarati woman took part in Bardoli Satyagraha?
-Threeben Patel
5. Who was the first Gujarati to be killed in black water?
-Garbad Das Mukhi
6. Who was the inspiration of the armed revolution in Gujarat?
-Arvind Ghosh
7. Under whose leadership were the Sangram Committee constituted during Borsad Satyagraha?
-Radar Gopaldas
8. Why is the Surat Congress of Indian National Congress becoming important?
-Congress split
9. In the inscription of the King of Gujarat, where the rules regarding the protection of wildlife have been carved?
10. The area of Gujarat's geographical boundaries was the largest in the era?
-Solunky era
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