Use of educational tools in social sciences
Education has a lot of importance in education. When the teacher is just saying, children get tired. What can be done?
To make education interesting, it is necessary to use TLM, which can be in any form. Many tools like Chart, Pictures, Tools, Computer, Projector etc.
ððū In social science, I am going to put a list of unit types that can be used for the use of a medical device. If possible, you should use it in the interest of children.
First semester standard 6 TLM list
Unit 5 Our Home Earth
Photos or charts of various astronauts
ð Earth globe
āŠŪાāŠે Earth's bulb, torch, map of the world,
A chart or picture showing the trunchers
āŠĻો Illustrated map of the world
Education has a lot of importance in education. When the teacher is just saying, children get tired. What can be done?
To make education interesting, it is necessary to use TLM, which can be in any form. Many tools like Chart, Pictures, Tools, Computer, Projector etc.
ððū In social science, I am going to put a list of unit types that can be used for the use of a medical device. If possible, you should use it in the interest of children.
First semester standard 6 TLM list
Unit 5 Our Home Earth
Photos or charts of various astronauts
ð Earth globe
āŠŪાāŠે Earth's bulb, torch, map of the world,
A chart or picture showing the trunchers
āŠĻો Illustrated map of the world
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