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Saturday, March 12, 2016


Iday, March 11, 2016
Rowlett Act & Opposition Dandi
This was the 'Rowlett Act', due to which Gandhiji stepped into Indian politics. From 1919 to 1948, Mahatma Gandhi remained in the center of Indian politics. Be the hero of the Indian freedom struggle. As soon as politics became active, Gandhiji changed the appearance of Indian politics. Because of their struggle, people accepted him as a god.

The Rowlett bill, however, was not common. There was a stir in this whole country. Gandhiji was also in the process of deciding what kind of protest against this bill? The topic of their concern was violence. They did not want that the mobilized people to oppose in immense enthusiasm would be subjected to violence. Finally, in the mind of Gandhiji came the idea that why peaceful protests should be held in all areas to protest against it.

The nationwide strike began on Gandhiji's appeal The enthusiasm of Hindus and Muslims put everyone in surprise. Gandhiji did not even realize that people would get such a tremendous support. The ears of the British government also stood It felt as if an earthquake was shaking the British Empire. Gandhiji's magic came from Delhi to Amritsar. Gandhiji wanted to go to Punjab, but he was arrested on the way and brought back to Bombay.

News of Gandhiji's arrest spread like a fire in the forest. Crowds of people started gathering in different cities, some sporadic violent incidents. When Gandhiji returned to Ahmedabad, he was informed that the angry mob killed a police officer. Gandhiji said, "Even if the dagger was thrown in my chest, I would not have suffered so much as this incident of violence has happened." They got restless from this incident. Gandhiji withdrew the satyagraha and kept fast for three days to atone for this sin.

On 13th April, 1919, Gandhiji announced the fasting of three days, that same day a gruesome incident happened in Jalianwala Bagh in Amritsar district of Punjab. British General Dyer, along with his army, stormed in Jallianwala Bagh. Many cycles of bullets were ruthlessly ruthlessly on the quiet, innocent people. Later the government told in its report that in this incident, 400 people were killed and 1,000 to 2,000 people were killed and 3,600 seriously injured. The whole country is gathered against it. Given the severity of the situation, martial law was applied in Punjab. This action was so inhuman that Sir Valentin himself said, "This day was a 'black day', which the British government would not even want to forget. Now it was impossible for Gandhi to keep quiet.

Gandhiji now searches for a new route which shook the British government. By bringing Hindu-Muslim to a stage, they gave a mantra to start the non-cooperation movement against the British rule. Like a magician, he started his movement. His movement was bringing color to the corners of the country. First of all, this movement started by Gandhiji himself. He returned to the emperor the medal he had received for his service during World War I. Many Indian scholars returned their title. Some reverted the respect given by the government. Lawyers advocate, students leave school and college Thousands of loco burnt the torch of this movement by going to village-village. Everything was happening while following Ahimsa. Holi of foreign clothes started burning in the corner of the country. People started spinning wheel Simultaneously, even the small Indian women came to the crest for the cremation grounds. Gandhiji's speech, articles were also stirring people. Take a look at the 'Young India' and 'Navjivan' Weekly, they took lots of juice. Thousands of people were picked up and locked in jail Many civilians were prosecuted in court.

In February 1922, there was a stagnation in the movement when the agitated crowd carried out violence in Chauri Chaura. News of this violence, Gandhiji was very disappointed. They suspended the agitation. At the same time, taking this violent action of the people as a crime, they started fasting for five days. In the meantime, he also prayed for God to apologize to the people of this work. Seeing the movement suspended, the government took a golden chance, he arrested Gandhiji. Judge sentenced him to 6 years in the court. At the same time, Saha also added that if this movement ceases, then Gandhiji's sentence will be reduced and reduced. The judge said,
I would be very happy if this happened.

This sentence for Gandhiji proved to be a blessing without being punished. They spent all their time praying, studying and spinning. But in January 1924 he became seriously ill by becoming a victim of 'acute appendicitis'. He was taken to a hospital in Poona. Where a British surgeon conducted their successful operation. After this the government released him.

After this the situation further disturbed Gandhiji. Seeing the country scorching in communal riots, his heart began to moan. Given the situation, Gandhiji decided to fast for 21 days. Â € œWrut and pray so that the hearts of the people of my country can meet with each other. They can understand each other's religion and their feelings.

For the next five years, Gandhiji did not make any special contribution to Indian politics. Now their goal was to remove the inequalities in the Indian society. He paid attention to the primary needs of the people, Hindu-Muslim unity, equality of untouchability (women), population problems etc. They dreamed of the reconstruction of Indian villages, they started looking at I want that the nation's citizens, along with English slavery, get rid of social and economic slavery.

It is also a fact that after being released from prison, Gandhiji has seen that the Congress has been divided. By the year 1929, many leaders began to fight independently by making different platforms at their own level. This scandal did not conform to Gandhiji's mind. Once again Gandhiji stood up. He took over the command of the leadership of the nation. On 26th January 1930, the oath of independence of the country was taken in the corner of the country. It was a strong warning to the British government. The slogan of Gandhiji's 'Full Swaraj' was echoing in the corner of the country. Now the eyes of the whole country were towards Sabarmati.

On March 12, 1930, Gandhi informed Viceroy that he was going to visit Dandi with his 78 followers. Many members of the ashram, men and women went on a historic 24-day trip. The poor farmers were not able to cultivate their salt due to British law. This was a common issue in view, but by an 'old' 241 miles on this pedestrian, the British government slept. On April 6, 1930, Gandhiji first prayed. After this, they went to the salt field and broke salt 'and' salt law 'dissolved. After this, people have broken this law while imitating Gandhiji at the national level at the national level. Thousands of men and women, farmers of villages, took thousands of procession in the march People gave arrests The police charged the sticks, police also opened pills at several places. Gandhiji was also arrested on the night of May 4. Thousands of people were jailed in a few weeks.

The first round table council was held in November 1930. The government reviewed this movement spread all over the country. In the concluding session of the conference on 19 January 1931, Ramsay MacDonald expressed the hope that Congress would also be included in the second Round Table council. Gandhiji and other Congress leaders were released on 26th January without any condition. Just after one year when the promise of independence was made. Soon started on 14th February between Gandhiji and Irwin. The conversation continued even after several disagreements. The first three-and-a-half hour talks were held on February 17 and after this it lasted several days. The Gandhi-Irwin Agreement was concluded on March 5, 1931. Gandhiji said - 'This agreement is conditional.' This agreement was to maintain peace in India. The civil disobedience movement was withdrawn. All political prisoners were released. Along with this, salt sales were opened around the beaches. Politically, the biggest historical advantage was that the Indian National Congress agreed to participate in the second round of the Round Table Conference in London.


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