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Friday, December 25, 2015

ડૉ. ભીમરાવ રામજી આંબેડકર ભાગ ૨

           BR started primary education. They were sakpala father's surname. They were natives of the village held ambavadekara ambavade Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra and the original BR stuck at school. But so is a teacher who wanted his other BR, BR Ambedkar and his surname was stuck, so he kept his other register instead of BR Ambedkar ambavadekarane revised. Meet the initial primary education BR difficulties. Untouchable because they had to suffer. BR BR father happened to be in high school I was at high school with a girl named BR Mumbai elphinstana and mixed marriages were "Rami" once you have passed the matriculation examination in 1907 karimetrika. BR continued later named "Ramabai". BR vyavatha Maharaja of Baroda Sayajirao scholarship for college education, and entered the BR elphinstana famous college in Mumbai. BR CE Karisnataka after passing the examination from Bombay University with a BA in English in 1912, BR was not the main subject of his family circumstances that could further study. Maharaja of Baroda Sayajirao as a military officer in the army of hired BR. Vadodara had to be very annoying because young BR abhadachetanam this time of year. On 2 February 1913 his father died BR sakpalanum Ramji. BR had to shed jobs. Also due to the tragic death of his father ambitious bhimaravane Grief students some of the brightest Mr. Untouchable Maharaja of Baroda Sayajirao thayua at their own expense, higher studies, were send to America. BR was selected for. Thus, an untouchable in India in the third week of July in the year 1913, the student body has reached New York to Vidya intense peaks. BR famous US Columbia University, began studying diligently. BR assimilation of the study as a "high degree received an MA from Columbia University in 1915, writing a dissertation on the ancient Indian Business' theme. Followed by continuously studying her PhD in 1916 To be made to the British Civil economy development in India subject to the above dissertation at Columbia University, and a doctorate was fortunate to get to the highest degree. So now Dr. Ambedkar. Ambedkar has become.

         I still did not santosayeli hunger for knowledge. In year 1916 he moved to England from America. He studied economics in London and remained determined to continue with the established law practice. But adverse economic circumstances, and forced them to leave and return to India to study because of family problems. England came back after they went to Vadodara jobs. Maharaja Gaikwad of Baroda appointed as Military Secretary Ambedkar. But the difficulties, due abhadacheta and insults they could be frozen in Baroda, Vadodara Then he took a last farewell salute.

         Doambedakara shale who did not lose courage. His efforts met with success in 1918, he joined as a professor at a college in Mumbai sidanahama. Due to low economic pressures and a few money-saving as well as some of the amount went to England in order to judge doambedakara from friends, and continued her studies in law and economics. Doambedakarani Ramabai his wife gave birth to a child in 1920 before the trip to England. Named after Yashwant, the other two children, but he did not live. Doambedakara became a barrister in 1923. The high degree of doambedakarane today presented his dissertation "dollar question," London University on the subject of "Doctor of Science". London doambedakara Germany was due to complete his studies, and there is the famous Bon karyoparantu start university study in Germany, they did not stay long. Forced them to return to India.

         જુન ૧૯૨૮ માં ડૉ.આંબેડકર મુંબઈની ગવર્મેન્ટ લો કોલેજમાં પ્રોફેસર તરીકે જોડાયા તેઓ કાયદાના અભ્યાસમાં નિપુણ હતા.તેઓ વિદ્યાર્થીઓમાં ઘણાજ પ્રિય થયા .આ સમયે "સાયમન કમિશન" ને મદદરૂપ થવા બ્રિટીશ ભારતમાં જુદી જુદી પ્રાંતીય સમિતિઓની રચના કરવામાં આવી.તા.૩ ઓગસ્ટ ૧૯૨૮ માં Mumbai nimyamumbaini legislative committee and government doambedakarane gajava voice came out of the public meetings doambedakarano 23 ta doambedakara in October 1928, "the Simon Commission" to achutona life questions and performers for its removal.

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