Ahmedabad District
The city is the administrative headquarters of Ahmedabad district panchayat office at Red Door "District building in the area. According to the 2001 census, its population is 58,16,519 out of which 80.18% is urban.
Ahmedabad to Mehsana, Sabarkantha and Gandhinagar districts on the north side of the district boundaries.
Ahmedabad - Gujarat hydayah that had existed for a thousand years is called a pre-Ashaval asavala samrghdha town today. Hope in the King's name Bhils Ashaval padayum named above. The town of Patan in North Gujarat Khambhat was a good town. Asavalamam of Jain temples and the Brahman. In terms of business eventually became the town an important place in terms of Military vyuhatmakatani mind.
This kind of Ahmedabad Civil Hospital is the largest hospital in Asia. Whose premises employed emapisaha Cancer Research Institute, organizations such as the kidney hospital cardiac instisyuta gained a reputation worldwide.
Bhadra Fort , the city started construction of the citadel, which led to the construction of what is known as' Bhadra Fort. 'Mirate ahamadimam it' arakano Castle "is also called. Bhadra fort foundations BC In 1411 had taken root. The tower was 14, had kept the royal takorakhanum 8 doors and 2 windows, and 18 large cannons on its walls. The fort's main gate sapasavya pravasedvara That kind of Bhadra Fort.
Three gates : Bhadra is built by Sultan Ahmed three gates on the highway to go to the city Jumma mosque medananam against Shah end in front of the fort. The gate has three arches. Three doors in Ahmedabad today demeanor. Its arches ghatili and artistic. Both the middle door side is fine gokhavala towers such as the tower construction styles.
Jumma Masjid : Ahmed construction time might be priority Jains, bound two hundred years after the Jumma Masjid in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and hindustananam might have been the first row of Muslim architecture. Jumma Masjid in Ahmedabad When compared to both the architecture is more artistic than the gelation. Ahmedabad inside and outside the mosque look beautiful samavanvaya review of Hindu-Muslim architecture. Inner part shows a clear glimpse of the temples tabernacles formation, while the arches and minarets in Islamic architecture model.
Sidi Saiyed Mosque (grill) , trained around the head end of a finely articulated models work best on the grill and red stone and the red door of the mosque is located in Ahmedabad. Queen siprini is famous because of a small mosque, although his most famous artistic carvings in stone on the wall of the mosque Interior granular kotaranivali jalione.
Sarkhej Rojo and lakes , is adjacent to the village of Ahmedabad Sarkhej Sarkhej Rojo is a historical monument. Kudos to update it to make it popularize navalunrupa been transformed by our legacy remains janjarrita goes dirdhadrasta leadership. Audanam may contain society by medium and Sarkhej Roza Committee in collaboration with kridanga for this major work murtimanta today Sarkhej Rojo become nihrasa historical monument to General saherajana chat attractive binding with a lake in the beautiful gardens of various vrksosabhara, Walking Track, lilichamalona, children, approximately 1,500 individuals have to ' Amphi theater 'like facilities equipped with the aims equally vibrant tourist destination Gandhinagar Highway road for a direct connection is ready.
Kankaria Lake : The lake is the Sultan of Gujarat krtbuddina BC It was built in 1451. Its original name was hauje Qutb. Also popular was later named Kankariya. Kankariya the same side of the lake is 34 190 feet long. Its diameter is 683 yard. That is approximately 2153 times the girth Nearly km.
The city is the administrative headquarters of Ahmedabad district panchayat office at Red Door "District building in the area. According to the 2001 census, its population is 58,16,519 out of which 80.18% is urban.
Ahmedabad to Mehsana, Sabarkantha and Gandhinagar districts on the north side of the district boundaries.
Ahmedabad - Gujarat hydayah that had existed for a thousand years is called a pre-Ashaval asavala samrghdha town today. Hope in the King's name Bhils Ashaval padayum named above. The town of Patan in North Gujarat Khambhat was a good town. Asavalamam of Jain temples and the Brahman. In terms of business eventually became the town an important place in terms of Military vyuhatmakatani mind.
This kind of Ahmedabad Civil Hospital is the largest hospital in Asia. Whose premises employed emapisaha Cancer Research Institute, organizations such as the kidney hospital cardiac instisyuta gained a reputation worldwide.
Bhadra Fort , the city started construction of the citadel, which led to the construction of what is known as' Bhadra Fort. 'Mirate ahamadimam it' arakano Castle "is also called. Bhadra fort foundations BC In 1411 had taken root. The tower was 14, had kept the royal takorakhanum 8 doors and 2 windows, and 18 large cannons on its walls. The fort's main gate sapasavya pravasedvara That kind of Bhadra Fort.
Three gates : Bhadra is built by Sultan Ahmed three gates on the highway to go to the city Jumma mosque medananam against Shah end in front of the fort. The gate has three arches. Three doors in Ahmedabad today demeanor. Its arches ghatili and artistic. Both the middle door side is fine gokhavala towers such as the tower construction styles.
Jumma Masjid : Ahmed construction time might be priority Jains, bound two hundred years after the Jumma Masjid in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and hindustananam might have been the first row of Muslim architecture. Jumma Masjid in Ahmedabad When compared to both the architecture is more artistic than the gelation. Ahmedabad inside and outside the mosque look beautiful samavanvaya review of Hindu-Muslim architecture. Inner part shows a clear glimpse of the temples tabernacles formation, while the arches and minarets in Islamic architecture model.
Sidi Saiyed Mosque (grill) , trained around the head end of a finely articulated models work best on the grill and red stone and the red door of the mosque is located in Ahmedabad. Queen siprini is famous because of a small mosque, although his most famous artistic carvings in stone on the wall of the mosque Interior granular kotaranivali jalione.
Sarkhej Rojo and lakes , is adjacent to the village of Ahmedabad Sarkhej Sarkhej Rojo is a historical monument. Kudos to update it to make it popularize navalunrupa been transformed by our legacy remains janjarrita goes dirdhadrasta leadership. Audanam may contain society by medium and Sarkhej Roza Committee in collaboration with kridanga for this major work murtimanta today Sarkhej Rojo become nihrasa historical monument to General saherajana chat attractive binding with a lake in the beautiful gardens of various vrksosabhara, Walking Track, lilichamalona, children, approximately 1,500 individuals have to ' Amphi theater 'like facilities equipped with the aims equally vibrant tourist destination Gandhinagar Highway road for a direct connection is ready.
Kankaria Lake : The lake is the Sultan of Gujarat krtbuddina BC It was built in 1451. Its original name was hauje Qutb. Also popular was later named Kankariya. Kankariya the same side of the lake is 34 190 feet long. Its diameter is 683 yard. That is approximately 2153 times the girth Nearly km.
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